Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Last Week's Adventures

          So last week I was at Lake Valentine searching for disks and some pesky geese were on the course. Naturally I shooed them away since one geese become comfortable around humans, it's all over: geese will become comfortable with us and push us around like it's their turf. They would start pooping everywhere and it would be nasty.
          So anyway, I charged the geese making low noises intending to scare them off so I could search in peace. One particularly angry bird ran away but then he tried to charge me. He was all pissed at me and flaring his tongue. To make a show for the four or five people watching...and to make a story for myself... I told the goose "COME AT ME BRO!!!" And to my surprise, he came at me just like I said.
          Those things can have a lot of spunk. I shooed him into the water and got him away from me but that only made things worse. When I went into the water much of my body "disappeared" making myself look less formidable. This crazy bird though he could take me so I had to but him in his place.
          I was trying to look around the cross marker in the lake because that was where my RD lost his disk. I made it out to the cross but with an angry goose on me. I scared him off but when I would turn my back, he would start honking and lunging at me. I would take one step forward but then take two steps back to chase off the goose. It was very obnoxious.
          I eventually grabbed a plank of wood that I saw on the shore. I used this slap the water to startle it. This worked at first but it became used to it so its effectiveness wore off. Then I figured I could use it as a bludgeon if it came close enough. It never gave me the change.
         It eventually flew off an let me cool off in the water. I then realized why I was so pissy; its mate had like seven or eight goslings with it. It was just protecting them. This made ne glad that I didn't hit it because I was in the strike-to-kill mode.
                                    MORAL OF THE STORY:
                                                don't mess with geese unless it's hunting season

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